Premium Only Plan
Welcome to TASC
Getting started is easy
1. Download and Review POP Plan Document
In order for this plan to be tax advantaged, the IRS requires the plan to be officially adopted. Please review the Adoption section on the Plan Document’s Introduction and Instructions page for information on adopting your plan.
Pop Plan Document
TASC is granting a non-exclusive, non-assignable, limited license to use this Plan Document only in connection with the provisions of the Subscription Services.
2. TASC is preparing your POP Summary Description and will email it to you upon completion.
Carefully review your Summary Description once received to ensure it reflects accurate information for your plan. Distribute to all eligible employees annually at enrollment time and to mid-year enrollees within 90 days of enrollment

3. Download and Review These Documents
POP Non-Discrimination Assessment Instructions
Per IRS regulations and to retain the TASC Audit Guarantee, an annual Non-Discrimination Assessment must be performed for your Premium Only Plan.
POP Non-Discrimination Assessment Data Worksheet
TASC provides an Audit Guarantee that covers tax penalties resulting from a discriminatory plan as long as the TASC NonDiscrimination Assessment is completed and plan parameters are followed.
POP Client Administration Manual
Everything you need to know about your POP plan.
We look forward to servicing your TASC Premium Only Plan
If you have any questions, sign in to your TASC account and complete a Support Request. Most service requests are addressed within two business days. You may also call Customer Care at 1-800-422-4661. Please have your 12-digit TASC ID available when contacting us.