The Commonwealth Of Massachusetts
Flexible Spending Accounts website
Learn about your benefits, and enroll through TASC, our new FSA benefits administrator.
Plan Information
Please read about the benefits below for the available Flexible Spending Accounts and consider these important details when reviewing your options.
2025 Fiscal Year
- The Flexible Spending Account (HCSA) has a minimum $250 election and a maximum $3,200 election.
- The Dependent Care Spending Account (DCAP) has a minimum $250 election and a maximum $5,000 election.
- The TASC card can be used to pay for Dependent Care expenses.
- The Grace Period to incur expenses ends 9/15/25. The Runout Period to submit Requests for Reimbursement ends 10/15/25.
What's Next?
- Once your enrollment is approved, you will receive an email from TASC (as long as one was provided on your Enrollment Form) with instructions on how to sign up and sign in on the website. If you do not provide an email address, you will receive a letter in the mail.
- Look for your card in the mail. It should arrive at your home address within about 7-10 days from the date you receive your welcome email.
New Hire & Mid-Year Enrollment Form
- In order to enroll for the Benefit Year that begins July 1, 2024, you will need to complete the following enrollment form.
- New hires MUST complete and submit their enrollment no later than 21 days after their hire date.
- Employees who are eligible to enroll in a benefit due to a qualifying life event change have 60 days to complete and submit their enrollment. IMPORTANT NOTE: If your enrollment is due to a qualifying life event, you MUST complete and submit the Change Form, along with your enrollment. The Change Form can be found on massfsatasc.com under the Resources link.
- NOTE: In order to enroll for the Benefit Year that begins July 1, 2025, you would need to wait for your Open Enrollment Period that begins on 4/2/25 through 5/1/2025.
- All fields are required and require an answer or a value. Please read the instructions for each question.
- An email address is required to log into your TASC account once live. Shared email addresses cannot be used if the email is shared with another person employed with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts who is also participating in these benefits.
- You will be asked for your Employee ID and asked to select your Agency Type and Agency Name (division). This information is on your paycheck and it can also be located by viewing the GIC Agency Listing on massfsatasc.com under the Resources link. If you are unable to locate your Employee ID, or don’t have one, enter “N/A” into this field.
- Please read about both benefit offerings – the Health Care Spending Account (HCSA) and the Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP), and then select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ based on your enrollment needs. NOTE: The TASC Dependent Care FSA allows you to use pretax dollars to pay for eligible expenses related to care for your child, disabled spouse, elderly parent, or other dependent who is physically or mentally incapable of self-care, so you (or your spouse) can work, look for work, or attend school full-time. Medical expenses for your dependent are not eligible for reimbursement under the TASC Dependent Care FSA.
- When all fields are completed, review and agree to TASC’s Terms & Conditions by checking the box and then click the ‘SUBMIT’ button at the bottom of the form.
- If you are a new hire and submitted your enrollment within your 21 day window, but want to change what you’ve submitted – and are still within your 21 day window to enroll – return to this page to enter new information. Make sure to use the same email address used in your first enrollment submission and ensure every field has a value. Please read the instructions for each question, and ensure that you complete the entire form, anew.
- If you are a new hire or newly eligible to participate in the FSA or DCA plans, please complete the enrollment form below.
Dependent Care FSA Qualifications
FY25 Participant Benefits
FSA Eligible Expenses
Grace Period & Run Out
FY25 Employee Handbook
List of GIC Agencies
GIC FSA Website
MyCash Account Education
Access Benefit Account Funds
TASC Security
Protect Your Account
Change Form (Paper)
Paper Reimbursement Form
TASC Dependent Care Contract
Orthodontia Worksheet & Instructions
Letter of Medical Necessity
Benefit Account Repayment Form
Change Form (web-based)
HCSA/DCA Change Form.
FSA - Healthcare
A great way to save up to 30% on eligible expenses like copays, prescriptions, and medical supplies.
DCFSA - Dependent Care
Pay for eligible dependent care expenses like preschool, before/after school programs, and childcare.
We're here to help
Can’t find what your are looking for? Call our customer care experts with a question on anything from enrollment to benefit account details.
Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, all time zones
Fax: (608) 245-3623 | Mail: TASC, PO Box 7308, Madison, WI 53707-7308
IMPORTANT NOTE: When you submit your claims (online, mobile, faxing or mail) please be sure to check your account to insure the claim has been entered within 10 days of being sent.
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