TASC is honored to be featured on a recent episode of the television series “Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid.” The segment has been distributed to over...

TASC is excited to announce that we will be featured on an upcoming episode of the television series “Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid.” The segment will...

As many of you know, three short years ago we released the Universal Benefit Account on our MyTASC platform, as a new way of helping...

The way we work has undergone a seismic shift. The COVID-19 pandemic forced a global experiment in remote work, and the results have been surprising....

Today, we’d like to share some news! In 2019, we changed the industry when we introduced this smart, easy, and connected way to manage benefits....

TASC strives to provide solutions for employers that go above and beyond expectations. Our vision with MyTASC is a universal platform and universal experience –...

Benefit and continuation accounts are already complex to manage and it’s tough for HR professionals to keep up with the ever-changing regulations. Additionally, if an...

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Universal Benefit Account, AgriPlan/BizPlan and COBRA/Benefit Continuation

Legacy Systems

Compliance and Distributor Access

For inquiries regarding your TASC service offerings:

Call: 608-241-1900 or 800-422-4661, M-F, 8-5, based on the area code where the call is coming from.

Every Wednesday morning phones are not available until after 9:00 am (CST), as our customer care team is in training.

Support Request: Log in to your MyTASC account and click on Contact Us.

Mail: Total Administrative Services Corporation
2302 International Lane
Madison, WI 53704

Distributor Login

To access MyTASC as a Distributor, click here!   For general information on your current TASC clients, contact our Provider Service team and please have your TASC ID ready: 888-595-2261, option 2, then 3.