Plan Advisor

Benefit Account Planning For Current Clients

Total Administrative Services Corporation

Custom plan design

Are you an employer and current TASC Universal Benefit Account® client who just wants to talk to someone about the options available for employee benefit accounts? The TASC Plan Advisor is here for you!

With TASC’s Plan Advisor, current TASC clients now have access to an advisor, who can help you plan, select, and tackle important employee benefit account decisions as your business evolves.

TASC Plan Advisors offer a consultation-focused service intended to help you achieve your goals. TASC Plan Advisors will only recommend account offerings and features that fit your needs—and may even tell you that you have an account or two that isn’t serving you well.

By working with a TASC Plan Advisor, you will be sure to get the full value from your Universal Benefit Account offering.


two women chatting with tablet


Understand the client’s business and employee goals and challenges. 


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Help the client understand the accounts available and how they will help them meet their goals. 


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Create a plan with the client to meet their goals for today and tomorrow. 


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Plan Advisor Flyer
Benefit Account Planning For Employers and their Employees.


We're here to help

If you are an employer and current TASC client, contact a TASC Plan Advisor. 

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Universal Benefit Account, AgriPlan/BizPlan and COBRA/Benefit Continuation

Legacy Systems

Compliance and Distributor Access

For inquiries regarding your TASC service offerings:

Call: 608-241-1900 or 800-422-4661, M-F, 8-5, based on the area code where the call is coming from.

Every Wednesday morning phones are not available until after 9:00 am (CST), as our customer care team is in training.

Support Request: Log in to your MyTASC account and click on Contact Us.

Mail: Total Administrative Services Corporation
2302 International Lane
Madison, WI 53704

Distributor Login

To access MyTASC as a Distributor, click here!   For general information on your current TASC clients, contact our Provider Service team and please have your TASC ID ready: 888-595-2261, option 2, then 3.